Ghostwriter Wiki

Mary Jo appeared in the "What's Up with Alex?" story arc. She was portrayed by Kelly Kristjanson.


Mary Jo is a gorgeous and popular girl. She is friends Kevin Michaels, as well as being part of the click of cool and popular kids that Kevin Michaels is a part of. She may or may not also be on drugs. But since Kevin was, it's possible she is also.

During the events of the story arc, she developed a crush on Alex Fernandez. She was always blowing kisses to him and waving at him, whenever she saw him. Alex reciprocated, developing a crush on her too. It even got to the point, where he would fantasize about her.

One evening when Kevin's mom was working, he had a big party in his bedroom. She among many of Kevin's friends were attending the party. Alex came to it, not knowing it would be a party.

She was very happy to see him, and she flirted with him. Then Kevin tried to get Alex to be cool and smoke a joint. She encouraged Kevin's behavior, and was eager to see if Alex would do it.

Then when Alex decided that he just couldn't do it, she became disgusted with him. She begun to think he was a wimp, and not so cool after all. So she shunned him. Possibly as a means to not tarnish her reputation with her friends.

She hasn't been seen or mentioned again after the events of this story arc.

